Chalk Art

Chalk Art

Chalk Art

Chalk art advertising is a creative, grassroots marketing tool that garners attention and leaves a lasting impression. Its benefits stem from its visual appeal, flexibility and ability to resonate with audiences in high-density, foot-traffic rightaways. Chalk art stands out due to its uniqueness and vibrancy, drawing immediate attention from passersby. Whether on sidewalks, walls, or public spaces, these colorful and intricate designs create a sense of intrigue and captivate audiences, effectively stopping them in their tracks. The OOH Squad utilizes chalk art advertising to enhance brand awareness in localized and targeted areas.


  • Street-Level Marketing

    Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising is very effective, but it is not readily available everywhere. In areas where OOH advertising is restricted or not available, chalk stencils can provide an opportunity for multiple viewing exposures to multiple viewers, at a strategic street-level viewing perspective. Our experienced team at The OOH Squad can ensure your chalk art campaign is properly implemented, and we always provide proof of performance with every design produced.

  • Unique Customization

    Chalk art stencils allow for flexibility and customization, enabling businesses to tailor messages, promotions or artistic displays to specific events and locations. Its temporary nature adds an element of urgency, encouraging immediate action or engagement.

  • Social Media Engagement

    Chalk art is highly shareable on social media platforms, amplifying its reach and potential impact as people photograph and share these captivating designs. Chalk art advertising is an innovative, interactive and visually appealing method to connect with audiences in both urban and community settings, fostering brand recognition and engagement. The more intricate the design, the more likely the chalk art will be photographed and shared, providing widespread and organic exposure for the brand.


Are you interested in chalk art as a way to introduce guerilla advertising into your marketing campaign? The OOH Squad is your trusted source for chalk art advertising to enhance your brand – see examples of our work in our gallery.

Let’s Connect

Are you ready to explore how our OOH offerings can increase your brand awareness, enhance your overall marketing mix, engage your social media and deliver your message to the masses? Reach out to our team at The OOH Squad to get started!
